Hope the week is starting well!

So based on the poll, it looks like Monday mornings 9am-12pm is a good time for the virtual writing group. Most people wanted synchronous, side-by-side writing. We'll begin with check-ins and goals for about 15 minutes, if you want to come for just that part. I created this Google Doc space to guide the writing session, based on a "faculty writing groups" template at UWM, but we can talk about whether this actually works for us as we go.

We'll have our first writing session on Monday, October 10, in the Zoom room below. Please feel free to join for all or part of the session, even if you're just in planning stages, or if you just want to have accountability partners to check in with at 9am and forego the synchronous writing part.

Link:  https://ucla.zoom.us/j/96186573605?pwd=dGV1M2dNRHhoeWVScWNlanloYjRDQT09

Meeting ID: 961 8657 3605

Passcode: 888218

One tap mobile

+16692192599,,96186573605#,,,,*888218# US (San Jose)

+12133388477,,96186573605#,,,,*888218# US (Los Angeles)

Hope to see you there!



CSW Assoc. Director

On Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 2:36 PM JASMINE TRICE <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hope you had a restful summer and that the year is starting well!

I'm hoping to start the CSW faculty writing group again (following in Jessica's footsteps from last year), and I wanted to get a sense of what times and formats work best for everyone who's interested in participating. I'm thinking we can have different options for people who are interested in one or some combination of the following: 1) Online asynchronous accountability, 2) Zoom check-ins, and 3) Zoom side-by-side writing.

Here's a poll:


I know you're all very busy, but if you have a couple minutes to fill out the form by Monday, October 3, that would be great. I'll try to get a schedule sent out by Tuesday, October 4.

Thanks so much, and please consider joining even if you're working on something in very early stages (brainstorming, reading, planning, etc).

All best,

Jasmine Nadua Trice
Associate Professor, Cinema & Media Studies
Department of Film, Television, & Digital Media
Associate Director, Center for the Study of Women
University of California, Los Angeles
Pronouns: she | her

Jasmine Nadua Trice
Associate Professor, Cinema & Media Studies
Department of Film, Television, & Digital Media
Associate Director, Center for the Study of Women
University of California, Los Angeles
Pronouns: she | her

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