Dear Colleagues,

The last hurdle for the UCLA Diversity Requirement is the Academic Senate Legislative Assembly. The usual process would be for a procedural approval of the college vote, but now there will be a floor-debate and general vote on the issue.  We have been asked to see if our faculty can attend to show strength in numbers and for those so inclined, to speak.

There will be 45 minutes of speakers (3 minutes each, alternating between pro and con), followed by a 15 minute Q & A.
The diversity requirement is the first item on the agenda.

Below is the meeting notice.

Best,  Rachel, Associate Director, CSW


Members of the Academic Senate

Dear Colleagues,

The first meeting of the Legislative Assembly will take place on Thursday, November 20, 2014, from 2-4 p.m., in the Kerckhoff Grand Salon. The Legislative Assembly is the one body on campus where all departments are represented, allowing for the broad exchange of ideas and transmission of information. Although each department has formal representation to the Assembly, all members of the Academic Senate are welcome to attend.

The agenda for the meeting has been posted online. You may access the agenda by clicking on this sentence: <>

I look forward to seeing you at the Legislative Assembly.

Neal Garrett
Academic Senate Secretary