Hello everyone—


On June 10th, CSW will undergo a Five-Year Review that will cover the period of my directorship.  These reviews are designed to help the ORU and the UCLA administration to consider CSW's goals and mission, accomplishments, possible future directions, and any problems that might need to be addressed.  When then Dean Scott Waugh appointed me in August of 2005, I had the CSW Fifteen Year Review, which had been completed in March of 2005, to reference as I established my initial goals.  These reviews are very very helpful and will provide a great resource to the incoming CSW Director. 


I want to make a request of all CSW stakeholders—CSWAC members, Affiliated Faculty, and Research Scholars:  PLEASE PARTICIPATE if at all possible.  The review will be held on June 10th and time slots will be scheduled throughout that day for the review committee to interview different groups.  CSW staff will be contacting you shortly with that schedule.  I would personally be very grateful if you could make time for this review.  Whatever time you can give to this review now will contribute to CSW’s future.


Here are the topics the review will address:


*CSW’s original purpose

*Its present functioning

*Its research accomplishments—publications, grants, collaborations developed from resources or programming provided by CSW

*Future plans

*Continuing development to meet the needs of the field

*The adequacy of CSW’s space

*The adequacy of CSW’s resources and staff

*CSW’s success in meeting previously established objectives

*Any planned changes in program objectives and planned steps to achieve them

You should think about these various topics with regards to your own relationship to CSW.  Your input is valuable!  


Do let me know if you have any questions and I thank all of you in advance for participating. 


All the best,



Kathleen A. McHugh
Director, Center for the Study of Women
Professor, Department of English
Program in Cinema and Media Studies