Dear Friends of CSW,


As you may have read in the earlier listserv announcement, CSW's wonderful Assistant Director, Julie Childers, will be leaving us June 19th to move to Philadelphia with her family.  Her partner has gotten a great job offer there and Julie will be joining a colleague in a research consulting business for nonprofits.  Although we are very very sorry to see Julie leave, we are happy for her and this new opportunity for her family. Please join us in wishing Julie a very fond farewell on June 19th at 2pm in Rolfe 2125 room at a reception in her honor.  Light refreshments will be served.  


All the very best, 


Kathleen, Rachel, Brenda, and Allison

UCLA Center for the Study of Women
Public Policy 1500
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7222
310 206 5487