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Faculty Development Grants
Applications due by Thursday, May 16 at 12 noon <<<!!!

The UCLA Center for the Study of Women (CSW) is accepting applications for our annual Faculty Development Grants. Grants will be awarded for AY 2013-14 to UCLA faculty for the support of research projects concerning gender, sexuality and/or women’s issues. Award amounts will generally range from $2,500 to $3,500, although exceptional projects may be awarded up to $5,000.

The Faculty Development Grants are divided into three categories: the Junior Faculty Research Development Grants, for the completion of pre-tenure research projects and publications; the Faculty Research Seed Grants, for the development of new projects that may lead to external funding opportunities through CSW; and the Faculty Research Completion Grants, for projects that could be considered for CSW publications such as policy briefs or research reports.

To find additional information about the Faculty Development Grants and to access the online application form, please visit http://www.csw.ucla.edu/current-projects/for-faculty.

To apply, follow the detailed guidelines and complete the required application materials.

Please email to [log in to unmask]<applewebdata:[log in to unmask]> should you have any questions or concerns.

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