CSW 2011 Faculty Development Grants

Funding Available for UCLA Faculty


Reminder: Due May 5, 2011 at 5:30 p.m.


The UCLA Center for the Study of Women (CSW) is accepting applications
from UCLA Faculty for support of research projects on gender, sexuality,
pre-tenure research projects and publications. FACULTY RESEARCH SEED
GRANTS for the development of new projects that may lead to external
funding opportunities through CSW. FACULTY RESEARCH COMPLETION GRANTS
for projects that could be considered for CSW publications (policy
briefs, research reports). Award amounts will generally range from $2500
to 3500, although exceptional projects may be awarded up to $5000.

As part of the award, recipients agree to do one act of service for CSW
during the grant year (serving as a panel moderator for the Thinking
Gender conference, participating on a student award or grant selection
committee, or writing a policy brief).  In addition, recipients will
work with the Publications Unit on preparing an article about their
research activities for the CSW newsletter.

Faculty awarded grants must acknowledge the Center for the Study of
Women in all public information materials and publications resulting
from the grant. All recipients are required to submit a brief final
report describing the outcomes of the project.

Deadline: Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 5:30 PM


In order to complete the online application, please provide the


*         Proposal (2-3 page description that includes the title and an
explanation of the proposed research) 

*         CV

*         Bibliography 

*         Budget (1-page statement describing how funds will be used) 



Please visit the link below to fill in the online application:






All the very best,


Kathleen McHugh

Director, Center for the Study of Women

Professor, English and Cinema and Media Studies