Hi everyone--

I would like to extend a personal invitation to two events that we are
trying out this quarter.  CSW will hold two Works in Progress Symposia
that will feature the research projects of this year's recipients of
Faculty Development grants. Each faculty recipient will speak for about
five minutes on their project, then we will open the discussion up to
panelists commenting on each others' work and the audience responding to
the projects.   These symposia bring together an interdisciplinary panel
speaking to an interdisciplinary audience to see if we could generate
substantive cross-disciplinary dialogue.  These events will also have
the related benefit of giving the audience a sampling of feminist and
gender related research throughout the university, as well as
acquainting everyone with UCLA scholars and their research that they may
not know.  Please join us for these special symposia.  

I look forward to seeing you at these Works in Progress symposia.

All the best,


Kathleen A. McHugh
Director, Center for the Study of Women
Professor, English and Cinema and Media Studies
1500 Public Affairs Building
Box 957222
LA, CA 90095-7222
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